As pound-for-pound the best and most affordable car lockout service Salt Lake City has to offer, we can unlock your car door in 60 seconds or less at a fraction of the cost of what local competitors charge. We use specifically designed tools that wedge a space between the car door and frame to gain access (As seen in the video below).

Car Lockout Service VS Car Locksmith

Far and few between, car locksmiths do offer the same service but charge 30%-40% more to offset overhead. As a car lockout service in Salt Lake City, we're not car locksmiths. We don't have expensive key cutting machines to upkeep or fancy software updates to buy to program car keys. Which means, we pass the savings to our customers.

Don't delay. Get your keys back in your hands FAST!

© Roadside Tech LLC, Salt Lake City, UT. All rights reserved.
